Upcoming Events
EXCITE YOUR INNER MONSTER! Halloween contest at Orlando Paintball, Oct 24 to 31.., chance to WIN $1000 in CASH!
This Halloween is going to be a HUGE WIN for one person! With our Halloween contest anyone can win up to $1000 CASH! There are going to be 3 parts to the contest as illustrated here:

Steps to winning up to $1000 in cash:
- Phase 1) COSTUME ENTRY: Any one that plays paintball or laser tag at our facility, with a costume, will be able to enter for FREE! They need to enter anytime between Oct 24 – 31. Just show up and play! We will post all the contestants up at the same time on Nov 1.
- Phase 2) JUDGING: After all the contestants are gathered, we will post them up to our Facebook page. The contestant with the most number of Facebook LIKES will win. People will be able to vote on the contestants on Facebook, from Nov1 to 7th.
- Phase 3) DEAL OR NO DEAL: The winner will be decided on from the number of FB likes. They will be called in come and play a game of “DEAL or NO DEAL” back at Orlando Paintball. This event will be video taped for everyone to see on YOUTUBE. They will be given the chance to win up to $1000 in CASH!
This is going to be a fun event to participate in and to watch! When you consider that you can win $1000 in cash and all you have to do is play paintball (or laser tag), wear a Halloween costume while you get to scare everyone, what can be better!!!!! …. Only at Orlando Paintball! (and Battleground Orlando – Advanced Laser Tag)
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We are Orlando Paintball. A passionate team of Paintball, developers, and Customer service providers. Join today for access to all of our Orlando Paintball Services!